Friday, February 15, 2008

Pajama Jam

Well, we survived the Pajama Party!

In retrospect, it should have been from 6-9, that extra hour was the longest hour known to man. Everyone got along for the most part. As far as the personality range, the party was split into two groups, one was the classroom crew (8 girls), the other the neighborhood crew (2 girls).

A couple of girls had cell phones and I think I walked in on someone about to text a boy while huddled in a group (not a fan of young ones' with cell phones). One girl said her mom gave her a phone but didn't give her the telephone number, that way if she doesn't know the number, she cannot give it out to friends and thus they cannot call or text her. (But what if they give her their number? Must re-evaluate that strategy).

I must admit I was nervous, girls can be so cruel. It would have destroyed me if her PJ party was labeled as boring. The girls played Wii, Dance Dance Revolution (thank the lord for Dance Dance Revolution!), played music on the keyboards, ate, danced and listened to music and played games. I got nervous when I suggested they watch a movie for the last hour and a half of the party and half said yes, the other wasn't interested - YIKES!!!! So I put on a movie and left them to be free (hence the longest hour known to man).

Luckily the parents were Johnny on the spot and showed up right on time. I think the next party will short and sweet at an off-site location!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Birthday Girl

Valentines day is busy girls birthday, she'll be 11 years old. WOW how time has flown. It's so hard to believe that she is turning 11. It will only be a matter of time before she will be going off to college, getting married then having a child! I can't even begin to fathom that happening. I'm trying to remember what I was doing at her age, my responsibilities, thoughts and friendships. She wanted to have a sleep over for her birthday this weekend, but I'm not big on sleep overs. So we compromised and decided upon a pajama party, Sat night from 6pm to 10pm. I'm nervous because we've invited 12 girls, all with a wide range of personalities. The one thing they all have in common is "my girl". We'll see how this works out!