Also, since I work from home, my wardrobe leave much to be desired. I'm working with practically nothing. T-shirts, jeans and sweats are great for working in front of a computer monitor all day in the comfort of your home. But I feel like such a slump when I venture beyond our residence. My eyes look tired and worn, I just feel blah most times. I'm sure most of this is in my head. I'd like to think most of this is in my head. I want to rebuild myself starting with a healthier body and building a better wardrobe.
I dislike taking photos because I don't like the way I look in them. I'd like to work on that as well. I found some tips on taking better photos, here they are:
- Slim the hands. While this may seem like a small detail, making the hands look smaller can have a real impact. Angle your hands so that the edges of them, not the palms or backs show. This will add to the overall feel of “thinner”.
- Wear dark clothes. Dark clothes have a tendency to make us look thinner
- Watch your head position. Make sure you don’t pull your head back for the photo. This makes the chin skin squish out. This makes even thin people look terrible. You can put the head out just a tad if you like, which stretches out the skin a little without looking strange.
- Get up high. Have the person taking the photo elevate their position just a little bit by standing on a chair. You will need to look up slightly, and in doing so will be stretching out the extra chin a bit, making it disappear behind the real chin. If done right, you usually can’t even tell it was taken from up high in the final photo. Whatever you do, don’t take any photos from down low!
- Take Note. Check how celebrities pose on the red carpet. Practice in your mirror so next time someone brings out the camera, you're ready to go!

Alrighty, now the first photo with the "X" is the "what not to do". It was shot from below, my full hands were showing and I held my face inward creating a second chin that I do not have. I do look mighty wide. In the second photo I twisted my body, stuck out my chin, slimmed my hands and the photo was taken from an elevated position, oh, and I changed into all black, I do see a difference. Finally, my handsome photographer, Busy Boy-always picture perfect!
Busy Boy has a football game every Saturday. One of the dads takes these FABULOUS photos of the boys during the game. Sometimes after the game he'll get some shots of them huddling and parents will be scattered about - I usually avoid those shots because they are posted on their family blog and I can never predict what I'll be looking like. So I'm gonna challenge myself this Saturday and try to get in a shot-wonder if I'll make the cut!
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