Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hustle and Flow

Well this has been a really busy week for me. I started two new jobs this week. One is a seasonal part-time job which will last just until the first week of December. There is this fabulous company that sells care packages to college students via their parents. Parents can send gift baskets, goody bags, sheets, etc. directly to the students dorm (where was this service when I was in school?). Anyway, this is their busiest time of the year (Thanksgiving and right before Christmas), and they hire tons of folks to key in orders - so that is one of my jobs. The pay is not bad and actually, I enjoy being able to "zone out" for a few hours. A classic "punch-in and punch-out" situation.

The other is the part time position where I can work from home doing research and analysis - the pay is very good and I'm anxious to get into the groove of the position. I also have another client where I work for him on an as needed basis, he contacted me this week to work on three projects to complete this week - so this has been a busy (and trying at times) week.

Trying to develop a flow in juggling family and work. Any suggestions!?!

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