Thursday, September 27, 2007

30 Day Challenge

This morning I received an challenge from a good friend to join her in a 30 day goal. Her goal is to work out for a minimum of one hour a day for the next 30 days. Am I scared, uh....yeah! If there is anything I dislike more it's exercise. I always have good intentions of working out, but I need to be realistic about the goal I select, but at the same time, I don't want to short myself by setting my goals low.

I will be celebrating my 41st birthday next month. What better way to enter my "fabulicious fourties" than with a healthy jump start. I don't have weight issues, but I do have to watch what I eat to maintain my softness. The fact that I have to lift my stomach to see my c-section scar will give you an idea of how much softness I'm working with.

So, with all that in mind, I'm suddenly inspired to begin a goal. My goal is as follows:
  • Meal track for 30 days
  • Exercise 1 hour a day 4 days a week
OK, it's out there! And I've started a blog to keep me honest! Who knows, maybe I'll go above and beyond the number of days I'll exercise.

All reading this blog - join us for the challenge! What can you commit to in the next 30 days!


alondaray said...

Michele I'm so proud of your blog. It is a great way to stay accountable.

Mickey said...

Thanks to YOU for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

wow! you are my wonderful sheroe...i've started walking at lunch time and some days after work (married woman with no kids yet...) my cell phone is a great inspiration because i chat and walk and then my work out is done and i feel good with the accomplishment. you can do it me when you walk it really helps....k