Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I fell down...

Ok, I messed up today. I walked for only thirty minutes and did not do well with meal tracking. We have a bag of Halloween candy (mini bags of swedish fish) that have been calling my name. OK, today I ate two bags (120C for the two bags)....and a chicken club sandwich from Wendys. It was terrible (the sandwich, not the swedish fish). I'm not a fan of fast food, I don't know why I ate it. Laziness I guess and not being prepared.

Things have been pretty hectic over the past couple of weeks. It's always a juggling effort. I'm usually juggling only three balls; family - work - home. Literally everyday of the week is a scheduled commitment for the children;
Sun: Softball Practice for Busy Girl
Mon: Football Practice for Busy Boy
Tues: Softball Game for Busy Girl
Wed: Football Practice for Busy Boy
Thurs: Softball Pitching Clinic for Busy Girl
Fri: Football Practice for Busy Boy
Sat: Football Game for Busy Boy

My work load comes in waves. Most times it's usually either very busy or very slow. Currently, I'm knee deep in a busy season. I'm sitting in front of the computer from the time the busy kids leave for school, until they return. Then it's snack, homework, and prepare for the busy Boy/Girl activity.

Then there is dinner, laundry, baths/showers, preparation for the next day, clothes, lunches, check homework, sign papers, feed and walk Busy Dog, clean kitchen. After the house is quiet, I "try" to jump back into work mode. There was a time when I was able to work into the wee hours while everyone sleeps without skipping a beat. But lately, my eyelids get so heavy after midnight, I must go to bed. I'm thankful to David Letterman and Conan, they help to keep me alert.

Recently, I added another ball to the mix. I took on a freelance position with a small business owner. I will be doing some marketing for him on a project basis. It's been a challenge jumping to and from my projects to his. I haven't gotten the flow down yet, but I'm sure I will. I'm trying desperately to keep up and not drop one of the important balls, it's a struggle. Today I just couldn't stay on track. Tomorrow will be better.

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