Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My butt hurts

Well the b-day came and went. No bells or whistles, just a quiet evening at home with my family, just how I like it.

I haven't been doing as best as I can with meal tracking, but I have been walking and did make use of our elliptical machine. Yes, I may not have mentioned that we have one. It's a manual one and an older model, but it works just as good. It has a "coach" program built in that I never utilized until Monday. A little digital figure will show up next to a bar line on the left of the display. Your status is reflected on the right. You have to maintain your intensity to match the coach bars. It started out nice and easy, then suddenly the bars shot up and I had to really work to keep up! All in all, an excellent work out, but by nightfall, my butt ached.

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